Florence: Location for the ICAP Congress 2026. Organisation by Rossoevolution

On 15 December 2020, the IAAP Board (International Association of Applied Psychology) formally announced Florence as its choice to host the International ICAP 2026 Congress. An event that over the years has proved to be an effective opportunity for the exchange and development of ideas and projects for professionals worldwide who work in the numerous sectors of Applied Psychology. About 4000 practitioners, academics and students are predicted to attend.
The selection of Florence as venue for the congress is the result of a strong pitch and elaborate preparation headed up by an Italian partnership. The scientific group includes the l’Università Cattolica di Milano (Prof. Edoardo Lozza), l’Università di Bergamo (Prof. Giuseppe Scaratti) e l’Università di Firenze (Prof.ssa Annamaria Di Fabio) and the organisational group was led by the convention department of Rossoevolution Srl. An experienced and strategic combination between scientific know-how and managerial skills in event management.
The selection of these representatives and the city of Florence is not coincidental: Milan and Bergamo being epicentres of the Covid-19 Pandemic and Florence as birthplace of the Renaissance. An international congress for Applied Psychology, looking at the current situation and confronting the subsequent problems, with new outlooks for the future supported by the efforts of scientific research and applied cultures.
Prof. Scarlatti, President of the ICAP Congress 2026, has presented the theme of the conference to the IAAP board, centred on new developments in Applied Psychology defined by three subjects:
- New fields of application, prompted by the fourth industrial revolution and the ubiquitous expansion of new technologies, and their accelerated use due to the impact of the coronavirus;
- The epistemological, methodological, operational dimensions linked to inter and trans disciplinary perspectives, capable of generating new perspectives to research and knowledge;
- Confronting epochal sustainability challenges (climatic, demographic, economic, political, health and social) that our society is facing.
Support for this important congress was acquired from the AIP (Italian Association of Psychology), the Region of Tuscany, the Convention Bureau of Florence and other Institutional partners both at national and local level.