Lancia and Alberta Ferretti join forces to launch the new Alberta Ferretti Ypsilon with an event organised by Rossoevolution

The 3rd February last saw the launch of the new Alberta Ferretti Lancia Ypsilon at Palazzo Donizetti in Milan. Two brands that share Italian elegance, creativity, attention to detail and a love of femininity.
The launch of this new vehicle, a press event conceived and realised by Rossoevolution took place in the fashion brand’s elegant showroom, embellished for the occasion with a clever lighting show that created a continuously changing backdrop referring to one of the key features of the new vehicle: the remarkable shimmering “Alberta Ferretti” grey. One of the features that Luca Napolitano, CEO of the Lancia brand referenced as a key characteristic of this trail blazing city car: the harmony of its contours, timeless elegance and consideration for the environment – with its hybrid engine and seats upholstered with an innovative sustainable fabric.
Rossoevolution created an introduction to the event with a monologue by Cristina Capotoni, whose narrative transported the audience to a world of dreams and elegance in which women were the protagonists of the story. With the video presence of the well-known actress as brand ambassador, the audience present in the room was brought on a journey that united the two brands in the name of femininity and the different personalities that today’s woman also express in their choice of car. “So many personalities, yours” is in fact the title of the campaign, also effectively conveyed by an opening that is anything but conventional.
The conversation between Luca Napolitano and Alberta Ferretti, explaining the reasons for the collaboration between the two champions of Made in Italy, represented the highlight of the meeting.
Rossoevolution also created the backdrop, a “showroom within a showroom”, where Alberta Ferretti welcomed the collective work of the designers of the two design houses with fabrics, embroidery and details of the car for this occasion.