Rossoevolution continues its evolution

Rossoevolution, which since inception has always considered evolution as its point of strength, relocated to its new Headquarters in 15 Via Vittor Pisani, Milan on the 1st November. They have chosen a contemporary and dynamic location that responds to current office needs and trends that are emerging globally.
Being one of the first to have chosen an American giant in the world of co-working, with 880 buildings located in 28 countries, Rossoevolution has opted for evolution in office space that offers spectacular communal spaces and dedicated corporate areas where privacy is assured.
A great alternative to traditional office spaces. This not only accommodates remote working, increasingly integrated into new operating models for companies, but is also a more ecological choice that reflects the ethical values of Rossoevolution. Shared office space, not only brings economic savings but also results in lower energy consumption, reducing environmental waste.
A choice made with consideration for the wellbeing of staff members, gives not just flexibility, innovation and technological advances but also a more secure workplace that is fully compliant with all current safety and sanitisation standards.
“This is not merely a change of address for Rossoevolution but a true evolution in our company philosophy”, commented Daniele Rosso, Rosalba Barro and Loredana Vavassori, respectively President and CEOs of Rossoevolution.